Deny God

People may appear in court, for whatever reason, and are asked to swear on the Bible, Torah, Koran,Geeta etc that they swear to tell the truth blah..blah........or we can state that we don't believe in God and therefore just promise to be truthful! ie we have the legal , moral and ethical right to deny the existence of God......But a person is forbidden from questioning or denying the mass murder of Jews,should they choose to do so ??

Jewish people WERE  murdered in the masses during the war.......but to not have the right to question the numbers or use of gas chambers or criticise Jewish policies and practices in Israel,etc,etc!! without being labelled an antisemite! If anyone is accused of being an antisemite, the accuser must first establish semitic heritage, by virtue of a blood test.

Is this the freedom of speech that millions have fought and died for? Have you seen Palestine! the only difference between the holocaust being inflicted now ,there,and that of the 1940's is that no one cares about the Palestinians.


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