Prophets and pedos!

People always go on about Mohammed being a pedo due to his wife being 9 to 12 years of age.Now,we consider that pedophilia but 1500 years ago girls were ( wrongly) married off at 12 and 13. all over the world, including Europe ,Uk etc.In fact in the enlightened west ie UK this was prevalent just a 100 years ago! Queen Victoria was 14 when she started seeing Prince Albert! We had forced child labour, less than 100 years ago.

Leonardo de Vinci was a, pedophile ,yet the most intellectual (cough!) people, the artistic and enlightened souls on the plant NEVER seem to find his pedophilia as being objectionable ! why?? because he was a genius, gifted and great artist? since when does artistic merit excuse heinous crimes? So it does not matter that Elvis moved a 14 year old Priscilla into his home?

Abraham married his sister (Sarah) (shared the same father, I'm pretty certain that makes her, his sister!) and Lot was seduced by his own daughters ,that they might become impregnated by him, so they could bear him a son!!

Mary did not know who the father of Jesus when asked , just said God! well that is some lineage!

Abraham's brother,was married to his niece fact the bible and Talmud are replete with incest and why do people keep harping on about Mohammed,as if he is the lone culprit?? simply,because that is the narrative doled out by zionists and their stooges, to obfuscate their own nonces.

Right now in New York, rabbis perform fellatio on new born babies!! and when one such nonce was arrested recently, the whole jewish community came out and protested AGAINST his arrest!and why did they protest? because it's part of their culture and religion ergo NOT pedophilia!!! The mind boggles!

Until the British made it unlawful,widows in India ,under Hindu law ,were expected to burn to death on their husbands funeral still goes on today,albeit in reduced numbers. The very poor still expect their daughters to do the "right" thing so the family can erect a temple in her honour and generate revenue...

Buddhist monks in Burma.sanctioned by the state, have been on murderous rampages,whereby they slaughtered and raped the poor Rohingyas, indiscriminately, where is the outcry??

A black man gets killed accidentally by the police in USA,and BLM sweeps the world!! WTF!All those moronic celebs and sheep ,out there rioting and protesting, where is your empathy and compassion for the one million Rohingyas,and millions of Uigers in Chinese camps? where are the vigils in Hyde park?? Bloody hypocrites!

Hollywood celebrities regularly adopt African children, why?? are there no orphans and subjugated kids anywhere else in the world? how about the millions of Syrian,Libyan,Iranian,Palestinian orphans,made so by the tyrannical foreign policy of zionists,carried out by their lapdog governments!

No it's only "trendy" if the kids are from Africa , so the celebs can assuage themselves of the guilt they feel for the slave trade. People ,such as  Madonna go on a spree of adopting Africans because they are a "persecuted" people, while performing in Israel, on land from where Palestinians have been murdered and evicted!

So all religions and all people have their nonces and pedos, so why is Mohammed deserving of special mention all the time?


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