coroner - virus

Western authorities are asking " Why are the Chinese still selling / eating Bat etc, post corona virus pandemic??

Let me ask those same hypocrites this: After the swine flu of 2009 , when an estimated 150 to 600k people perished and the Avian flu, did we, the collective west, stop eating pork and fried chicken??  even tho billions of animals were culled to stem the outbreak?? NO! so where do we get the audacity to preach to the Chinese!

It's the old do as I say, not as I do routine that the west (USA, UK) have practised for eons! We tell the world to stay out of foreign affairs,while invading countries because their policies don't suit ours. Invaded Syria because the leader of the country was "oppressing" his people! so is North Korea! why don't we go in guns blazing?? oh yes, because he will drop a nuclear warhead on our heads!

The USA had the gall to spy on the British royals as well as Parliament, yet have the cheek to accuse China and USSR of spying!

The British in collusion with our masters, the USA, preach to China to lay off the disputed islands in the East China sea, while exerting our right over the Falklands,just off the coast of Argentina, 13000 km from London !!! Are you serious!

Here's an interesting statistic: According to the BBC and ONS, 2017-2018 ,flu season was responsible for 50,000 deaths! That is way more than the average numbers being killed by the Covid 19 bug, so why did we not have to self isolate and lock down the entire country then?? I don't recall a rundown  of the dead, on every channel, ever hour! I don't recall millions of businesses going under, or billions of pounds in aid and bail outs either!

We just gave up the rights to Hong Kong 30 years ago! We still "own" Australia for crying out loud!
When will the west practice ,what it preaches?
