Greta Thunberg

Here's what bugs me about so called eco warrior Greta Thunberg!

Wherever she goes, hundreds and thousands of her acolytes descend. The cost to the environment in terms of travel, stay, food, waste etc is huge,but does she care? that they decimate the green areas, where they congregate, leave thousands of food wrappers and empty plastic bottles, for the council to clean up! NO!

They all have multiple cell phones, laptops and tablets. Does she know the cost to the planet to keep producing all that tech? NO!

If she is so concerned about the planet, then why doesn't she campaign outside munitions factories? The cost to the planet each time they drop a bomb is a million times more detrimental than 100000 petrol cars on the road!

The annihilation caused to the local ecology, the flora and fauna as it were, is immeasurable,does she care? NO! oh and did I mention the millions of innocent citizens they blow up, with impunity, because an American president was annoyed by their lack of subservience !

She is a hollow eco warrior who thinks adding solar panels to her large house, and wearing recycled sweaters, will save the planet.

War and weapons of war, are the biggest polluters by a green mile. If she was genuine, that's where she would start . Not lecturing us about eating less cow, and more grass! The generations before you, built what you now enjoy. Prove yourself and go live in a tent and forage?grow all your own food, and bury your own waste in a hole ,then lecture me! You have contributed ZERO! yet your sense entitlement is 10!

In a new study of the potential global impacts of nuclear blasts, an American team found even a small-scale war would quickly devastate the world's climate and ecosystems, causing damage that would last decades.

Great Thunberg, HOW DARE YOU!
