Cultural misappropriation

Why do black women always accuse , non black women, with braids or corn rows, of cultural misappropriation?? Does that mean the millions of black women, with blonde straight hair wigs are guilty of the same?

Sounds like hypocrisy! And by culture, do you mean African or displaced African slave culture?
Black Americans say they are  proud of being African, while slavery continues to be a hugely contentious issue, they cling to the names and religion, forced upon them by the white slave owners!! How does that even make sense??

How can one free oneself from the shackles of slavery while retaining the "Deed of ownership" i.e. name/religion of the former owners???

Black lives matter! apparently only in USA according to black Americans! I don;t see Americans   protesting and creating awareness  about the treatment of blacks in South Africa ,or anywhere else  other than USA!!

I'm just asking............!


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