
Some 100 millions of Native American people were murdered, systematically by European invaders. Their land and wealth plundered.

Some 6 million Jewish people are said to have been killed during WW2.

Some 80 million, non Jews died in the protection / defence of the 6 million.

Why are the descendants of the 6 million being paid reparations after all this time, their wealth, lands, property, possessions, being handed back to them, even when legitimately purchased from them, but the few remaining members of the Native American tribes are living in abject poverty still on the concentration camps built for them, called affectionately, RESERVATIONS??

Can the amount of money and wealth therefore owed to the Native Americans, even be quantified?

How about the looted oil from Iraq, Libya etc?

How many untold millions were raped and murdered in India, Africa etc by the Europeans, where are the reparations and returned lands and wealth? The queen boldly wears African and Indian looted diamonds, proudly! Imagine a German head of state wearing a priceless diamond taken form a Jewish person, to every state function! Your blood would boil right? So why not when the queen flaunts her ill gotten gains? We have not even scratched the scale of reparations due to the descendants of slaves in USA!

Shall we try and quantify the horrors and pillaging against the Aborigines and Maoris? Where would you start?

Every year Hollywood churns out another "award winning" money spinner for the studios and reminds the world ,lest it forgets of what happened to Jewish people during WW2.All while the exact same and worse is being inflicted upon the Palestinians.No films to commemorate that , no films about the 80 million or so , that perished as a result of the world stepping in to save Jews from the "Nazis"
