
Why is it that the UN,USA,UK etc are all in a frenzy to "go" and save people from their own governments ,by blowing up, invading and murdering elected officials ,when its Arabs ,and there is oil to be had...yet nothing is done to "save" the south Koreans from an alleged nuclear dictator? Reports surfaced that South Koreans were resorting to cannibalism! 

Chinese alleged, control and murder of its people is "well documented" as well as the concentration camps built for the Uigar Muslims. The Burmese govt was immune from prosecution or embargos, when its soldiers raped and murdered Muslim Rohinjas! Surprise surprise, the Burmese PM is supported by, and was raised in India, a country, who elected a  PM  that aided and abetted the murder and rape of its Muslim citizens, and continues to do so.

Murder of Palestinians in their own homeland for the past 2000 years doesn't even raise an eyebrow, and if an eyebrow is raised, it’s labelled an anti-Semitic eyebrow!


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