Grooming Gangs

Paedophiles and rapists, all need  to be shot! whether they are brown,muslim men from Rochdale or white Anglo Saxon Christian men ,from Luton!

The Asian men in the UK are predominantly of Pakistani heritage, but the press will bang on about them being Muslim!as though THAT is why they are rapists!

They are rapists and paedophiles because that's what they are! Not because they are Muslim. No one harped on about Jimmy Saville being a good Christian or the thousands of Anglo Saxon paedophiles in UK prisons,as identifying as Christian!

Each time there is a press article about a guy with a turban being charged and convicted, no one has ever said " Sikh guy convicted of rape or paedophilia!"

I read about a Sri Lankan guy in Harrow,convicted a few years ago. Not a mention about him being Sri Lankan or his religion, ie Buddhist or HIndu.

Paedophiles are paedophiles. Not on account of their religion, whatever that may be.
