Title deed

Israelis claim that the Palestinians were not the original inhabitants of the region. Let us assume this to be fact. In the UK if a squatter occupies a property or land , without the "owners" permission for a period of 10 years.That squatter can become the registered owner of the property!

Even if the blue eyed, blonde ,so called Semites from Hungary, Poland ,Ukraine etc , were the "original" inhabitants, they left thousands of years ago,according to THEM!!!, that is considerably more than the time required to be legally classed as legitimate  owners.In Palestine, the IDF force residents out of a neighbourhood, cordon it off, stop returns then claim it as an abandoned property,which is then handed over to illegal settlers, usually from USA.

In order to prove ownership, a title deed must be provided, right? so when did the bible, an unproven collection of "observations" by countless men,over thousands  years ogo (not the men!) ,with no provenance other than the word of the church, an organisation that has supported and protected countless rapists, murderers and paedophiles. An organisation built on falsehoods, and robbery, be an unquestioned source of authenticity??

That being the case, how on earth is the bible a deed of ownership for the lands described therein as the land belonging to Jewish people?

The Shroud of Turin has already been proven via carbon dating to be no more than 500 to 700 years old, yet countless billions still insist its the real thing! pretty much like the bible.

All the above in terms of proving authenticity applies to ALL religious texts, of all the major religions.
Hindus believe the planet is supported on the back of an elephant, which is itself standing on a turtle ,in a pool of water! Yet a billion Hindus can't be convinced otherwise , Muslims believe Mohammed ascended to heaven on a winged horse!! Try telling 1.2 billion Muslims otherwise, Buddhists believe that the soul is reincarnated in any number of forms ,for eternity!

One of the core pillars of Buddhism, is to ask for  alms ie begging! as well as humility , poverty and humbleness, yet the Dalai Lama cruises around the world, with his acolytes ,in private jets, and occupies either entire floors of luxury hotels or the homes of his wealthy followers, eating sumptuous feasts, while Buddhists suffer persecution and hunger . He advocates that Arab refugees ought to go home, while himself and his followers seek sanctuary abroad !! Are you serious , talk about hypocrite!

The point is that we are free to believe whatever we wish, that belief doesn't authenticate texts or writings as title deeds or proof of content. I believe I am Spiderman! doesn't make it so! without the bible being touted as a Title of ownership, there would be no conflict in the middle east.
