So.....Watched season 2 episode 10 ,of UK BORDER FORCE, and was blown away by the blatant bias and prejudice against Muslims.

Chinese asylum seeker is caught running a take away,illegally with a chap who is an illegal immigrant,but now married to her.She is employing illegal immigrants, smuggled to the UK by agents on false documents.......and what did the border officers do? well they politely took them to the police station, NOT IN HANDCUFFS, then released on bail. Predictably the illegal immigrant went AWOL and has not been seen since.

Jamaican over stayer arrives,via Dublin. Has overstayed in the past, but in sprite of his ranting and attitude is deemed a charming chap, after having his case fought for by the Jamaican immigration officer,who just laughed at his rants ,as if it's just cute! and really pushed for him to be allowed to stay. It is black and white! he over stayed !! Eventually her boss felt pressured into meeting with, then advised him on how to circumvent....and then granted leave to go visit his girlfriend. He returns 2 days later with now other reasons to stay and has his full visa granted.

Now cut to raid on Pakistani take away. Illegal immigrant , with genuine documents ,is caught, handcuffed, and deported immediately! No bail or dignity of NOT being handcuffed ,as in the case of the Chinese illegal immigrants!! WHY??

Then people wonder why Muslims feel persecuted and disenfranchised in the UK!
