Covidiots Govt!

The idiots in government have now informed us that we can go back to work,and car share as long as windows are open! How do you maintain a 2m distance,unless it's a bus you drive? If opening windows makes it safe, then why have innocent people been harangued and fined by the constabulary, for walking on empty beaches and woodland,where there is no need for an open window , as the whole damned sky IS the open window??

Truth is people are expendable at the alter of Mammon! Those that can sit at home on a laptop,will do so, while the unfortunate many, will perish,as they will be required to "come to work or face the sack", by bosses, who will sit at home on the laptop!

REVOLUTION is the order of the day. Things have to change, people say we are sleepwalking into a world where our civil liberties will be non existent! I say, it's already too late!and we did so with eyes wide open. We moronically accede to all stipulations ,without even so much as a whimper . 

How you may ask ? by downloading " Covid" tracking apps, going cashless,contactless payments, banking online, virtual GP appointments, etc etc.We have given up all say and control over every aspect of our daily lives. Yes I know it's "progress", but at what cost? and why ? well,for fear of repercussions to our personal and professional lives. 

Technology is wonderful, but the problem is governance and application of the tech. Nukes with Trump's thumb on the button would make me sweat kilos,Jimmy Carter....not even a droplet! 

Little do we know that in time,neither will exist.They are like a drowning man,who is concerned that his shirt will shrink in the sea water!

Don't say you were not warned!


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